I'm typing this with my shades on indoors such is the glare from my monitor and wondering if poor aul Bono was misunderstood all along. It may be the Black Lung that's gotten me but I could have easily had 20 jimmies this week - EASILY - you?
1. Completing the mini marathon 10k with ease only to be TORRENTIALLY rained upon for the 10 minute walk FROM HELL to the pub afterward
2. The sudden lurgy that's stricken me down, it's quite likely related to those 10 minutes (& possibly that 10k too)
Tbf I already hate these people and I'm not even related to them...
4. 'Hi Guys, sooooo many people have asked me where I got this...'
Tell me, quietly, can you relate? What's been rustling your jimmies this week?

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