Monday, July 09, 2012

Monday's Moments - 09/07

How do, how do! That weekend has passed in a blur of hilarity, torrential rain, scorching sun, delicious eats and family reunions, just like all epic weekends do - well it did for me. How did yours go? Before all that though, fancy a looksee at the top five moments from the week leading up to now that are making my Monday suck a little less? You've come to the right place...

1. Home Sweet Home

Grainy Gone but not forgotten
You'll remember I introduced you to this pretty puss puss last week? Well following his vet visit we found his microchip number and tracked down his family. Turns out his name is Ginger and he lives 10 minutes from here. My moment comes from seeing Adam, the youngest Gorgebag, handing him over on Tuesday night. His owner was thrilled to see him home as were her little kids who had been worried sick for 2 weeks (the longest he's ever gone missing).

Adam's just a touch heartbroken that he's gone, he did a fantastic job taking care of his every need while he was with us and sent me this grainy pic yesterday from his iPod, his way of saying he's missing the marmalade lovely. So much so that we're now eyeing up kittens from CatsAid! (I NEVER thought I'd type those words)

2. Saving a Bundle 101

I've been off work since last week so trying to convince myself to go shopping was hard work. I decided in a moment of inspiration to leap off the couch, grab my keys and go. No phone, no nothing, off I went. That was grand until, shopping loaded into the car I closed the boot to head home. Even as the door was slamming I knew what I'd done - the SHAGGING KEYS WERE IN THE BOOT! There's nothing like that moment of Ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhugar!! What the actual feck was I going to do with no phone?!

Standing muttering obscenities at myself and imagining the exorbitant bill for a locksmith  must have looked pretty weird as I was approached by an older woman to see if I was ok. 'Can I call anyone for you?' sez she and that's when it dawned on me... the bat mobile is a fleet vehicle and covered by the AA! I called directory enquiries, called the AA, thanked my saviour profusely and stood for the next hour being roasted by the sun waiting on the man in a van. Small price to pay, right? 

3. Hood Thing Too!

If it wasn't for this Chubby Stick you wouldn't see me pout about the rain!
True to form, the Irish weather has been more than a little schizophrenic this past week, torrential rain WHILE the sun is glaring and the temperature rising so I've been carrying my rain coat in my mála. I love this raincoat but for one thing, the enooooormous hood makes me look like the feckin Nazgûl, it's hoooge. 

Rushing around Blackrock on Friday for an appointment, the clouds came over so I popped my shades onto my head to continue on my mad dash, I over judged the force though and they fell backwards. Immediately flinching in case I'd broken them I turned to pick them up but they weren't on the ground, naturally I turned in a circle to find them (as you do) bewildered but feeling the weight of them on my back. I spent the next 60 seconds twirling like a demented dog chasing it's tail. They had landed in my hood and I momentarily couldn't figure out how to get them back, no doubt proving hilarious to passers by. Am a sap. Fact. 

4. Above & Beyond 

The Sis and I had a fabulous day of shopping and chomping on Saturday before the elder Broseph arrived with his lovely wife so we could head to see Dara O' Briain. As part of our day out I booked us an appointment at the Benefit Brow Bar in Arnott's because they'd done such a lovely job back in May. This is the same Sis that has four children under five(!) and lives in Athy with the hubby and their army of childer so we don't often get to have a Ladies Wot Lunch Day. 

We sat at the brow bar ready for the off and Pamela (the Benebabe on duty) asked about children etc, as soon as the Sis mentioned the kids Pamela leaned in, hugged her and took her by the hand back over to the make up counter. She proceeded to give her a complimentary mini facial and a full fizzog of Benefit loveliness. It was a small gesture but one of the reasons I prefer Benefit counters to a lot of others in Department stores. Fair play, Pam! 

5. Chin Chin! 

As mentioned above our elder Broseph came home this weekend for a flying visit, he and his wife had bought tickets to Dara O' Briain as Christmas part of our pressies so they were in town for the night. He works in London during the week and lives in Wales but likes to sicken me regularly with stories of restaurants, night life and tales of social greatness in London as he knows it's one of my favourite cities.

Having been to taste the Summer cocktail menu in Fallon & Byrne a couple of weeks back and knowing our tastes are very similar, I knew this was my time to shine! This moment here is his introduction to the Passionfruit & Jalapeño Margarita. (Jalapeño infused tequila, passion fruit, mint leaves, crushed raspberries & lemon juice served on crushed ice.) Ai Chi Wah Wah! His eyebrows raising as he took the first sip meant he loves them as much as I do, that and the fact that he was still talking about them even after we'd left the bar. You won't find that in your fancy London town, Wha?!?!

That's my week in a blog post shaped nut shell, mostly brilliant but peppered with epic, hows about you? Get up to anything great? I'd love to know...


Anonymous said...

Whilst living in SA I used to lock my keys in my POS (piece if shit) car so often I took to keeping a piece of wire taped securely to the underside of a the wheelarch so that I could jippo the lock without having to call my dad. At least the sun was shining and it wasn't pouring while you were waiting!

Unknown said...

*Legs it to Fallon and Byrne*

Sue Jordan said...

You know Cindy, that's basically what he did! Apart from the hugely technical, mini balloon!

Sue Jordan said...

You won't regret it Em, the Pappy Honeysuckle HAS to be tried too x

Robyn Morton said...

You have me stuck in a combination awwww (cat)/laugh (sunglasses hood)/I want a cocktail (cocktails) loop. I hope you're happy.

boredmum said...

ya big spaaaaa (immediately prays i don't lock my own car keys in boot tomorrow) ha ha haha.. That cocktail sounds devine, yum yum. As usual MM have given me such a laugh... thanks :)

Lovely Girlie Bits said...

Ah bye bye poor kitty, was best for all involved, esp Diesel and Kitty hehe I think we need to have a night out in Fallon & Byrne toute suite pour chats et cocktails!