Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cherry Pick of the Week - Fun - Some Nights

I heard this for the first time this week in the car and although I seriously had to pee, I held on in the car until I heard the song, now that's a definite indication that I'm going to love it. 

There's more than a sniff of Cecilia from Some Nights, which was one of my all time favourite songs because we had a little red record player when we were kids and that was the only record we played to death. I shudder at the thought of the Sis & I at 5 and 6 belting out the lyrics in the garden on sunny days with the record player on an extension lead... I'm guessing that's one of the reasons I instantly loved this tune though. 

New York group, Fun, play The Academy in Dublin on Sat Oct 6th, with tickets starting at just €17.35. I'd say if you want to see 'em live you should jump on tickets now, I did. 

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