How do, lads, how do indeed. I've been bursting with Monday's Moments of late so couldn't let the day get away from me without thanking the universe for all she's doing for us (aside from the pre-apocalyptic jazz happening in the States right now. Obvs.)
1. Catching a very early preview of A Monster Calls last Monday. Granted, I'd have preferred to watch it alone in PJs with a bottle of wine, such is the ugly cry potential, but it was one of the most cathartic movies & cathartic cries I've enjoyed in a very long time.
The entire cinema openly weeping was novel to say the least but the follow up Q&A Patrick Ness was truly special. You'll catch Aaron's review HERE & you'll catch it in Irish cinemas on New Year's Day - Do NOT wear makeup.
2. Working with Bord Gais Energy this week for the Movies vs Musicals element of the Student Theatre Awards! Aaron & I went to Ghost the musical to compare it to the movie (one of my faves).
I'll have a full post up on their site very soon but I genuinely have to pinch myself that I get to work with such large brands doing truly enjoyable work. That's thanks to each of you reading, tweeting, following & snapping. I'm so grateful to you, and them, and Aaron.
3. Co-Hosting the Blogger panel at Blogger Conf this weekend with Darragh Doyle!
We had a #JustOneThing theme and asked each of our experienced panelists to share just one thing they'd tell other bloggers. It was quickfire, it was interactive & it was truly one of the best received segments in any event I've worked with.
You'll catch some cracking tweets under #BloggerConfL2G still. You'll also see just how engaged the crowd in the room on the day were. Incredible stuff. (do lemme know if you were there!)
4. Finally getting to open post yesterday morning & realising one press pack was a cozy blanket & fluffy slipper socks. I mean how apt is that for a Sunday after a hectic week?
Of course there were slippers in there too - Baxter's eyes were like saucers - speaking of Baxter....
5. How could I let one more week passing without officially introducing the fuzzy peanut that is Baxter Jordan. A teenchy weenchy rescue rottie, he has turned our lives upside down. If you follow on any other platform you'll see he's growing at a rate of knots.
I was in no way ready for another madra, still now I can't speak openly about losing our Heidi in such quick succession after Diesel but I'm a firm believer in energies having purpose and crossing our paths for a reason.
I truly believe Heidi & Diesel sent us this little loon to love and to mind because we couldn't have them any more. They're looking down at us trying to save our slippers, I know it.
Tell me, which of your Moments this week is chasing away your Monday blues? I'd LOVE to hear ...

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