Monday, November 09, 2015

Monday's Moments ~ 09/11/15

How do, How do?! We're back on terra firma after the most amazing week of our lives in NYC. If you were following along on Snapchat you'll know it was pretty relentless, so we're resembling The Walking Dead extras since our return but still, STILL I couldn't let a Monday pass without showing a little gratitude. The top five Moments of the week go:

1. Flying out to the Big Apple, just the three of us, can't not take number one spot this week. Moment 2 will explain a little more about that but the fact that Adam brought us to the brightest city in the world of his own volition will stay with me forever. There are Moments that make every day of the struggle worthwhile and, without hesitation, this will always be one of them for me. 

2. Getting to reenact the picture taken twenty years ago in Central Park with Aaron this week. I was pregnant with him in the original in 1995, he's almost 20 now. From one of the darkest times of my life to one of the brightest. It felt as though all three of us have come through so much to make it to that place in the world at that exact time (despite GPS kerfuffles) . 

It was a life changing Moment, not just a weekly one and certainly not one I'll ever forget.

3. While spending rings around ourselves in the city that never sleeps, we visited Sephora (several times)(naturally). Perusing the smelly aisles I was telling the lads about my ultimate fragrance, Tom Ford's Costa Azzura and the fact that I've been visiting it in Brown Thomas for over three years now; never able to justify the €175 price tag but spritzing liberally at every given opportunity. 

It was only when Adam came back having bought his Girlfriend all of my recommendations that he produced a blue and gold package and made me BAWL right there in store. 'Happy New York birthday' says he. 'If ever you want something that much for that long just buy it!' says he - But that's not how a Mammy's brain works, is it? That scent will forever more remind me of our trip and what a good heart Adam has.

4. Thankfully while away, both Gorgebags got confirmation that the ice skating rink here in Dublin 15 want them to work through to February of 2016; that'll fill back up their empty coffers nicely. Not only that but they absolutely LOVE the job. 

There's nowt more satisfying than being paid for doing something you thoroughly enjoy. (If you do visit the rink, you're sure to spot them - be SURE to say Howdy!)

5. Finally ~ this week I'll be picking up the brand spanky Toyota Auris for a week of shenanigans. I'm pinching myself at being given the opportunity but determined to do something worthwhile for the week, while I can. 

I have some Random Acts of Kindness planned to give something back to a couple of agencies & places that have helped out my family and I in the past but I'd love some inspiration from you lovely lot too. I want to make a difference, however small & I'd love your help to do it. 

Do you know of a person or cause that could do with a chauffeur or some heavy lifting during the week? If so please get in touch, either here or on any of our platforms and I'll do my very best to fit them in. Using #HappyinHybrid will pop your suggestion right into my feed! 

Tell us, what are you most grateful for this week? 

What's the one Moment chasing your Monday blues away? 

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