Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday's Moments - 19/01/15

How we've been getting on then? Resolutions still holding firm? It has to be admitted I'm wavering on the cutting back on the demon drink but all in all, I'm motoring along and happy with the little changes I've been making. 

One thing that won't be changing any time soon is counting my blessings in the form of Monday's Moments and this week's no different. Ready?

1. New Earphones Arriving The Day After 
I Tweeted About Busted Ones!

2. The Luas Stalling and the Driver Announcing
 'Well Thanks to that GOBSHITE Lifting the Door Off it's Hinges, We Have to Get Off!'

3. Being The First in the Country to Get My Sniffer on L'Occitane Cherry L'eau for 2015

4. Leaving Work This Week While
 It Was Still Bright!

5. Aaron's Landing a New Job Two Days Before 
He Finished His Christmas One! 

Tell me this and tell me no more, what's going on with you this week? 

What's making your Monday brighter? 

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