Wednesday, August 06, 2014

The Wednesday Chattery - Is Childbirth Naturally Pain Free? SERIOUSLY?

You may have seen a couple of tweets yesterday about an post called '10 positives no one tells you about childbirth'. 

I'm all about seeing the positive in everything and absolutely demystifying childbirth for first time mums and even younger girls that might be terrified at the thought. 

This article does that, sure, but it is it telling the whole truth? In my limited experience as a Mam twice over, nope. 'It doesn't have to involve pain' WHAT THE ACTUAL? If you have given birth and it didn't involve pain, please, PLEASE tell me how you did it - please!

I'm troubled too by this assertion: That complete euphoria. It's there whether you have a cesarean section or a drug-free natural birth - a complete rush and a total sense of accomplishment and pride'. 

Yes, it's wonderful when that happens but, truthfully, it doesn't always. I think I felt more of a failure as a new Mam because I didn't fall instantly and irrevocably in love, forgetting the intense labour of seconds before. I was led to believe, as expectant mothers reading this will be, that everything is roses the instant you hold your cherub for the first time. 
I'm sorry but that's not always true. Sometimes that bond takes a little longer - yes, it's unbreakable once it's made but it's not always instant, unfortunately. And that's OK.

Tell me, have you been through childbirth? Would you agree that it doesn't have to involve pain? Of course I'm not advocating the horror stories of maternity hospital waiting rooms but couldn't we stand to be a little more realistic in these articles? 
Or maybe this was your reality? 

Let's Chat!

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