Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday's Moments - 19/05/14 - A Public Service Announcement

You might be wondering why this weeks Monday Blues header has come over all seasonal, well that's because this isn't you're regular Monday's Moments at all. It's a public service announcement to squeal at the fact that for the first time in many, many years I've been able to squirrel away enough sheckles for a short escape to the sun with the Gorgebags. 

The Doctor has ordered a vitamin D hit to help with back bandiness and these lads have put up with more than they should have this past 8 months, helping out around the house and pretty much keeping me sane while I was poorly so they sure could do with a break too. 

I'm leaving the site in more than capable hands with some of my favourite bloggers (and people) so do please pop by and see what's going on. Some of these ladies you will recognise immediately and others you should be reading and loving if you don't already so do pop by their sites and show 'em some love. 
Isn't that what the blogging community is all about? 

The posts are all crackers and I want to thank the gals sincerely for helping out. 

Be sure to follow our escahpay over on Instagram (@ItsCherrySue). I'll try to update each day from Alcudia, if our hectic schedule of doing absolutely nothing for a week will allow. 

I'll be bringing back sticks of rock and sunshine for everyone so please try not to break anything while I'm gone, yesh?

Catch ye on the flippity flop!

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