Thursday, April 17, 2014

Things That Rustle My Jimmies

Hello Jimmies my old friends, I've some to unrustle you once again. 

It's been one of those weeks, here's why: 

1. Chipping Nails Trying to Open 
Impenetrable Mascara Packaging

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2. Losing an Entire Instagram Post 
& its 12 Hashtags
When the Phone Rings

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3. When I Blitz the House & 
Come Home to Find a Mug 
on the Coffee Table

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4. Horizon Televsion

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5. The Office Fridge...

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Oh Man that felt good, this is what temporary zen feels like - sooo cathartic. 

C'mom, share, what's been rustling your jimmies this week?


Claire said...

Loud typers. *twitch*.

Makeup Monster said...

When you're watching a movie at the perfect noise levels and the ads come on and blast the head off you!

Unknown said...

Subway uk and ireland competition. not available in Ireland. wtf!!!!!!

S said...

Say I'm standing folding scarves or something equally as obvious. *Someone* asks "what are you doing?" What am I doing? I'm folding scarves, duh? What did you think I was doing, concocting an elaborate scheme?!

Unknown said...

The mug one, ughhh! Or when I've just washed the dishes and someone puts a fork or spoon in the sink and doesn't wash it. ITS A SPOON IT TAKES 2 SECONDS!