Thursday, April 17, 2014

Things That Rustle My Jimmies

Hello Jimmies my old friends, I've some to unrustle you once again. 

It's been one of those weeks, here's why: 

1. Chipping Nails Trying to Open 
Impenetrable Mascara Packaging

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2. Losing an Entire Instagram Post 
& its 12 Hashtags
When the Phone Rings

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3. When I Blitz the House & 
Come Home to Find a Mug 
on the Coffee Table

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4. Horizon Televsion

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5. The Office Fridge...

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Oh Man that felt good, this is what temporary zen feels like - sooo cathartic. 

C'mom, share, what's been rustling your jimmies this week?


  1. When you're watching a movie at the perfect noise levels and the ads come on and blast the head off you!

  2. Subway uk and ireland competition. not available in Ireland. wtf!!!!!!

  3. Say I'm standing folding scarves or something equally as obvious. *Someone* asks "what are you doing?" What am I doing? I'm folding scarves, duh? What did you think I was doing, concocting an elaborate scheme?!

  4. The mug one, ughhh! Or when I've just washed the dishes and someone puts a fork or spoon in the sink and doesn't wash it. ITS A SPOON IT TAKES 2 SECONDS!


I know, right?