I have to hand it to you, Benylin, you know how to kick a cold's ass in two days alright - pity they're the two days of the weekend and I'm fresh as a daisy again and fit for work today - BOO!!
Nonetheless I've been chasing the Monday Blues with a couple o' Moments so I won't let it get me down. Wanna see 'em?
1. Got Change of a Hundred?
Nope that's not my wrinkled paw - pic courtesy of journal.ie |
Because I was late leaving work on Wednesday but had to hightail it into town, I hadn't had time to check if I'd the exact fare for the bus. (Since I'm now mo-mo-less). It was only when there was one hurtling towards me that I realised I was 20c short and only had a €50 note with it.
Pegging it into Starbucks, I asked if they had change and the snotball barista told me 'We don't give change' (With an upward inflection) If I wasn't already late I'd have launched at her but a lovely Dad with his weenchy baby came to my rescue. He asked how much change I needed - I showed him my fist full of eurobux and he handed me 50c. I'd time to thank him profusely, side eye the pretentious waitress and still make it to the bus! Result.
2. Boots Brownie Points
Normally I keep my Boots points for Christmas, Birthday and self pressies but when I realised Boots were having a scent sale this week and that coincided with my old Boots card balance being added to my new one then I couldn't resist a little spend.
What's more, the splurge wasn't even for me. How saintly am I? Like, seriously *polishes halo*
3. Iron Bear Approves
Behold Orla, my crazy niece, she's superhero mad and Iron Man's number one fan. We managed to bring her along to the premiere last Tuesday and she was absolutely over the moon.
When we queued to head in she was called aside and given a special prize for the best dressed Iron Man on the night - her choice of noms! Even Iron Bear got a look in, when he wasn't being dragged by the neck. Cracking night altogether.
4. So, You Owe Me Money?!
I was having a look around one of the never ending Blue Cross Sales in Debenhams last week and managed to spy a couple of serious office wear bargains on the 70% off rail.
Chuffed with myself I was checking out when the sales assistant looked a little puzzled. She darted off and returned just as quickly saying 'Oh you're entitled to the 20% Blue Cross discount too'. Eh 90% off?! Liking the cut of your jib, Debenhams. Liking it a lot.
5. The Sound of Silence
Yesterday saw me on my ownio in Casa Cherry from early morning to late evening for the first time in donkeys years. Youngest shagged off to a party and himself and the eldest trotted along to watch the Dubs. Leaving me to my sickness.
Gotta say it was absolute bliss. I managed to snooze on the couch, catch up on trash TV, get all most of the housework done and even took a geansaà load of blog photos. I love you lads, but sweet jebus the peace was glorious.
Tell me, what's been chasing your Monday Blues away?