Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Naked 3 Giveaway - Open Internationally!

As promised, here's the first of a plethora (love that word) of uhmazing giveaways - it's only Urban Decay's highly sought after, several times sold out Naked 3!! I'd already ordered this beaut from the States when I got the call from the lovely UD girls to meet up so who better to bequeath one to than you, eh? 

This rose gold addition to the neutral palette army has been selling one unit every second in the US and that's not for nothing. Softer than the flattering taupes of Naked 1 and the bronzed beauty of Naked 2, Naked 3 truly has to be seen to be fully appreciated and I'm giving one of you lovelies the chance to do just that!

Using the simple Rafflecopter widget below, get set to get your name into the virtual fez for a piece of Urban Decay history. 

This Giveaway is open internationally and running until Christmas Eve. 

Best of Luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Felicity said...

I've never bought one of these palettes (IKR?) as I never feel I'll use all the colours (and they're a bit spendy for me). Maybe if I won one I might be a convert! Passive aggressive, moi? Rustlin' Jimmies, so early in the week.....

Winda - dajourneys.com said...

I want this so bad >.<

Karen Hayes said...

these are like golddust I would love one as anyone who knows me knows I like neutrals but with a twist, it says to say what lippie I want to win but I want this palette so badly lol

Audrey said...

Would so love this 💜💜💜

Robyn Morton said...

More gorgeousness from UD! I can have please?

Amanda said...

Would love to win this

Anonymous said...

Mac ruby lipstick

Aoife said...

Amazing prize! Loving the new look of the site!

ktatie said...

Love the new look of the site! Would love to win this ;)

Unknown said...

Love the new design Sue! Fits you perfectly! Not sure what the lippie comment question referred to exactly, but if it's in general I'd say MAC Russian Red! Would be delighted to win the Naked3 - can't justify getting it myself just yet with all the other nudity I have! :/

SquidgeMundo said...

I've never had a MAC lipstick so I'd love one of these! Xx


Unknown said...

This palette screams my name!!!! I am too white and just rose/broze colors look great on me....I want this, actually I have entered more than 100 giveaways trying to win an UD but no luck yet :-(

Dee said...

I've been admiring the Naked palettes for years but have never tried them! This looks fab :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Great giveaway xx. I have Naked one and I Love it xx

Unknown said...

I want this so much. Really love the new look site, well done you x

Anne-Marie said...

I have the first Naked - have been tempted to buy the basics palette but the pale shades seem too similar.

Well done on the new site :-)

Lulu said...

I only own Naked 2 and I love it! I guess other palettes are great too)

M x said...

Don't have a naked palette...yet!!! Would love the set of three that UD have been giving away...amazing :-)

Unknown said...

i do now own the Naked .... yet? i'd love #3.
Thanks, Radmila, rada76@Mail.ru

Krisella C. said...

This will be my first!

Marguerite said...

Oh I've the first two & would LOVE this one!

Anonymous said...

It is looking for gfc id????? On android phone don't know what I'm doing wrong!

myrna said...

i dont have the previous 2 palettes but i like the colours in this one the best

FitznBitz said...

Out of 1 & 2 I get most use out of the original. I image 3 to be fab for blue eyes! :)

CuriousFashionGurl said...

Love your blog, I haven't got the Naked 1 or Naked 2 palette, I will be getting the Naked 3 off Santy I hope!


Sinead O'Neill said...

This would be my first! ;)

Lottie said...

I only have the Naked 2 and only just brought it, it is gorgeous. I really want to try this one :) xx

Georgina said...
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Georgina Barrow said...

Never owned one of these would so love it x

Unknown said...

My favourite is the Naked 2, thinking 3 might overlap it though...

blathin said...

This would be my first one, so I need to get on this bandwagon! :)

Anonymous said...

This would be my first!

Edel said...

This would be my first Naked palette and its the first one that I have desperately wanted! I love the rose gold warm colours in this one!

Loll said...

Naked 2 is my favourite so far, but I love the Basics palette and Naked 3 looks so beautiful!!x

Kirsten said...

This will be my first Naked palette, I've been dying to try them.

Jess | The Indigo Hours said...

I have Naked2 and adore it, it's my most-used palette, but I think I may just love this more - it's so beautiful!
Thank you for the amazing giveaway :)

Jess xo

Unknown said...

I don't own any urban decay palette, so want to win this one badly !!!!!

amola-tesouras said...

I'm such a fan of the Nakeds! They're my desert island palettes for sure :D

PAncsi said...

I do not have any Naked palette yet, but I am desparately seeking for one :-)

Emma Heapy said...

I love my first one!x

Наталья said...

I don't have a naked palette yet)
Thank you for the Giveaway!

Jtac said...

I have the naked 2 palette,prefered it over the 1st,and I use it every single day,but I think this one looks even nicer! :-)

Caz said...

I only have the Naked one (or just Naked) palette :(
Tried to buy this last week, but decided to make a cuppa first, came back and they were out of stock! I'll never drink tea again! *bitter*

Nurse Fancy Pants said...

Fantastic giveaway! Really need to get my hands on that palette!! Love the new blog design! x

linda said...

This would be my first!

AJOD said...

Would love this!

Unknown said...

This one looks by far the best!

Beauty and others said...

I want this <3

Suem62 said...

How do you enter,and what's a gfc?

Suem62 said...

Have just received my very first naked pallets which is naked2 today,am so chuffed with it,would soo love this new one,the colours are fab! Keep up the great work.x

Sara Cris said...

This will be my first ;)

polymnia said...

Pretty pretty, shiny shiny!!! If I win this is going to be my first UD palette!!! I love it!

Unknown said...

This would be my first!!!!! Thanks

Sidrah!!!! said...

Id say i prefer the 3rd or first naked palette since the colors are more wearable on olive complexions for me.

Suzie said...

I really love colours of this third naked

Anonymous said...

heii.. this will be my first.. :)

Unknown said...

I have Naked 2 and I love it but I really want Naked 3!I want it badly!hahaha!!thanks a lot!I wish you the best in your life!!

c.r said...

it would be fab to win! I love the original NAKED palette, this would be perfect for me though!

Harakun said...

This would be my first palette^^

Nikki said...

I have the original Naked palette and the Naked Basics, and I think the original is my favorite.

Unknown said...
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Sara said...

I have the first and second NAKED and I LOVE them, I presume this one is as good if not better

Unknown said...

I have Naked 2 and I love it! Not sure which I'd love more, I'm excited about the rose shades!

Darcy Cameron said...

I don't have any of them :(
Most of my eyeshadow palettes are waaaay out of date.
Fingers crossed for this one, then I promise I will dump the old stuff

Unknown said...

I HAD the Naked 1 palette until my bf's dog licked and drooled all over it! Soul destroying day that was!!

Aoife said...

I have 1 & 2 and use them all the time. Naked 3 would be well loved. I promise I would look after it! :-) x

Chloe said...

I have the first palette, because the colours suited me more than the 2nd one, but I love pink tones so Naked 3 is perfect for me! Love the new design xx

Melia said...

I have Naked 1, it's well loved! I would love to try the new one, I'm loving the main idea of the rosier shades!

Roisin said...

I would LOVE one of these babies!


Unknown said...

This would be my first Urban Decay product and what a first product. Loving this... absolutely!

Aoife - A Little Infinity said...

I love the new design! The little doodles are so cute. :)

Cannot wait to try Naked 3. I probably should resist, but it looks so, so gorgeous!

JessyPooh87 said...

I've never tried them.

Silvia Bartolome said...

I have 1 and 2, and now I want 3 it's so beautiiful! But i prefer Naked 2
Thanks! and Merry Christmas

SmileLucySmile said...

First can I just say that I LOVE the new design of your blog! It is fantastic!
Secondly, I got the naked 1 palette and I still return to use it, theyre just fab!

Beck Middleton said...

I have never tried it! looks amazing though

Jacinta Geraghty said...

This would be my first naked palette, with the 2 kids it's hard to have money to treat yourself so this would be fab to win!!

Breige said...

Never had a Naked palette before, would love to get my hands on this one!

Rachael said...

I own Naked 2 and Naked Basics, both of which I love and get so much use out of! Would absolutely love to try out Naked 3!! x

Rachael | overdosedemaquillage.blogspot.com ♥

Rara Giggles - for all your giggle and glitter needs said...

Wowsers!! LOVIN' the new look Sue!! very hip!! Work it!!
Also, what a giveaway!! *crosses fingers*

Unknown said...

I think number 3 is my favourite love the pink shades.


Unknown said...

This will be my first naked palette I know shock horror but I do own naked basic which I love and use daily. Great competition

Unknown said...

Site looks great, and so does Naked 3! It would be my first Naked palette :)

Unknown said...

I never used naked palettes,they're really hard to get in my country :)

Jen said...

I've never owned any of the naked palettes but I need one!!

pinkshoes76 said...

drool this looks bloody amazing

Unknown said...

never tried but want to so bad!

Kerrie said...

would love to win this!

Irina G. said...

I've never tried Naked Palettes, but I would love to win this one.)
Thanks for the giveaway!

jenny87le said...

I haven't tried NAKED palette... and I don't have any palette, I have just single shadows... I would be very happy to win :)

Unknown said...

I like the first one. Naked. but I am excited to try this one.

Jo Ruth Turner said...

Love the Oz palettes, especially Glinda but the Naked 3 looks fabulous x

Cathy Ennis said...

Fab giveaway - first naked 3 one I've seen. Congrats on the site makeover too! I have naked 2 but would love to get my mitts on some of the light shadows on this!x

Unknown said...

this would be my first naked palette! i'm really excited about this giveaway! thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

i think the 3rd one will be much better. i only tried the second naked palette and i don't think it's great for everyday natural look.

Cassie Eastman said...

I have the Naked2 palette and love it, I have a cooler skin tone so I think i'd actually love the Naked3 even better!

Unknown said...

this will be my first IF I win >,< *crossing finger*

Loretta said...

Still using naked1!!!!

Happy Bubble Gal said...

I use Naked2... but I heart heart heart <3<3<3 the new naked3 :)
Luving the new look/do :)

Lisa said...

I'm a Naked virgin :P Would love to experience it

silviabia said...

I only have the naked basics, but I think my favourite is Naked 2 although it will be wonderful to have the Naked 3 since I love the colours too *-* Thanks so much for the chance!

caroline said...

Best of luck to us all

Unknown said...

Amazing giveaway! I would say my favourite is the first Naked palette x

La Stanza di Cel said...

Wow..I prefer Naked 2

joanneof said...

I have naked 1, love the rose gold though!

Shannon Q. said...

this would be my first! I want one soo bad!

Divya Asha said...

This will be my first naked palette.

Unknown said...

I love my Naked original palette ~ Thank you for the giveaway!

Susan said...

New site looking good, this palette will look even better on me.

Jules Keeley said...

I've never purchased the big Naked palette. I've always picked up their limited edition sets; last one being Theodora. I'd love to give this a whirl.

Unknown said...

I would love the 3rd! I have the original but not the 2nd :)

Unknown said...

Would be my 1st Naked

Laura Azevedo said...

Would be my 1st
email: the_umbrella_of_glass@hotmail.com
Laura Azevedo xx

Sandy Beach said...

Naked is the new nude

Dawnio63 said...

this would be my first...im so underprivileged!

Lilliwhiterose said...

If I win this it would make it my first Naked Palette :)

miffy said...

Eeek!!!! I want this so badly and there is no way hubbie is going to sort himself out in time to get it for me for Christmas. Looks like I will have to win it here instead, so!

Photo-Jenn-ic said...

I love Naked 2. But this one looks gorgeous!


Natasha K said...

I love naked basics!

Unknown said...

I love naked 2, but this could become a new fave!

Thais M. said...

This will be my first! uhuuuuul

Sofia Araújo said...

I love the 1st and this one :) The Naked 2 I think is too similar with the 1st...

Unknown said...

If I'm lucky this will be my first one!

Sie Cajilig said...

If ever I win, this will be my first. But I love all three Naked palettes! <3

Amy J said...

At the moment the Naked 2 is my favourite but Im thinking its going to be replaced fairly soon :)

Marianna Bennici said...

This would be the first!
Finger crossed!! :D

Mand0 said...

Fab! Love my Naked 2 palette. Can't go wrong with Urban Decay!

Szappanbubi said...

I don't have any of the Naked palettes, yet :) but this would be my dreamy first one- I think I love this the most!

sparkly thanks

Anonymous said...

I have never owned one but I am loving all three. Hopefully this would be my first :)

Unknown said...

This will *hopefully* be my first palatte! :) Fingers Crossed

Cint @ Makeup and Messes X

ella coman said...

This would be my first naked palette...but I already love it :)

Unknown said...

I have Naked one and I Love it

helena braga said...

would be my first indeed =)

Unknown said...

Have the original Naked palette but it's well on the way to empty, would love the new one!!

iulika_ct said...

This would be my first one, and also my favorite.

Unknown said...

If I win, this palette will be my first Naked palette. I want it badly!!!

Unknown said...

I only own the first one and i love it but wasnt really into the 2nd one as it didnt look much different to the first one but this one from the moment I first heard about it I wanted it :) Thanks so much for the giveaway

Beyond Blush said...

So far I'm loving the original the most! :)

Shelleyti said...

Would be lovely to get my hands on this and get it on my face!!! I have the original... Use it pretty much every day now but would love to expand my naked horizons :)

Courtney B said...

im not sure I only have the first one!


409cope said...

I don't have any Urban Decay but I love this one!

Zoey said...

I have the Naked2 and I love it@

Unknown said...

I currently have the Naked 2 and I lurv it! I can't imagine my life without it! I use it EVERY day!!!!!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the 3! You are the best! xoxo

Senny said...

This would be my first and it is gorgeous!

Lulubelle said...

I've got the first Naked palette, so I guess it's my favorite:-)

RiRi said...

Would love to win this

Kathleen Novak said...

This would be my first time owning one, but after seeing a billion pictures of all of them I would have to say that I love 3 the most!

Catarina Teixeira said...

i dont have any naked pallette :(

Anonymous said...

This would be my 1st Naked palette but I doubt my last due to all the terrific reviews
Judith Whelan

Anonymous said...

Oh my giddy aunt!!


Sandy SAUBION said...

hello, I love all of them! it's will be my fist but I want the 3! thank you for this contest ;)

Sadi said...

I have Naked 2 and i loveeeeeee it ;)

remeneerb said...

If i won i'd be thrilled as this would be my first one and i've heard they are fab!! thanks xx

Leanne Cornelius said...

Thanks for a FAB giveaway!
I have the original Naked palette which I love but this one looks even better, when I eventually get my hands on it I think it will quickly become my fave. xx

Leanne - A Slice of My Life

Fiona Darcy said...

I've never had one of these so can't comment on my favourite but this one looks great, fab colours. I'd be thrilled if I won.

My Stepping Stone said...

fab prize!

Unknown said...

Great giveaway! I don't have a Naked palette, yet, and this one looks amazing, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)

Elena Rudaya said...

If I win, this will be my first Naked palette! Thanks for the great giveaway! Fingers crossed!

Elena Rudaya
queen-of-pain @ yandex.com

NasyaRob said...

I have only naked 1 and I love it soo much!

Marina S said...

This will be my first one! I think I prefer this over the others because pink will give a more original look even being neutral as they are. Beautiful!

chels_149 said...

Have naked 1 and 2 love them both! This would be perfect for my collection

Unknown said...

This would be my second! Warm tones look best on me, so I have naked 1, and I'm eyeing that rose gold :D

Oh My Style said...

This will be my first!! Fingers crossed, I would love to finally be able to try a naked palette :)

Sammy xx

Unknown said...

This will be my first - there has been so much hype about it and I am desperate to get my hands on it! What a lovely giveaway! I've just set up my own beauty blog allinbeauty.com if you want to check it out :) xx

Emilie said...

this would be my first, but i'm pretty sure it's the best one for me yet since i have pale skin, blue eyes and dark blonde hair. i think pink and taupe eyeshadow are perfect for me. :)

Unknown said...

This will be the first one if I win. ^^

Unknown said...

I haven't try any naked palette. I want to try naked 1, 2 and 3 ^^

Ari said...

This will be my first Naked palette as I sadly hadn't gotten the chance to try any yet! I've been lusting after them for so long! :)

chichi said...

This palette would look so lovely on my rich chocolate complexion.

Anonymous said...

This will be my first! Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...


Jessamer Abing said...


naked 2

Unknown said...

TBH this'll be my first (hopefully) :>

Unknown said...

Thanks for this wonderful giveaway. I enjoy using my NAKED 1 palette quite a lot, but as i recently got a rose gold watch for my bday, the Nake 3 would def make it much easier to make the rose goldish look perfect! :)

Unknown said...

I foolishly tried to find one today but all sold out!! Great giveaway lovely x

Ellie said...

I have one and two but three looks like it is the best - all those beautiful rosy colours. I can't wait to get my hands on it but it's not available in Australia :(

Cynthia.Richardson said...

I've not ever used a Naked palette, but I think the rose gold Naked 3 would be beautiful!


Ruth said...

I only have the first one and the basics palette but I think 3 would be my favorite!

Isha sharma said...

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