Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thigns to Make You Go LOL, Literally

Now that we've released the Thursday Kraken with Things that Rustle My Jimmies this morning, it's time for a little light entertainment. This here is five things to make you go LOL, literally: 

1. This Baby's First Experience with Ice

2. Ireland this Week in One Picture

3. This Helpful Dog (from 1.59)

4. The Perils of Movember

5. This Happy Shelfie

Tell us, what made you literally LOL this week?


  1. Had a good chuckle at those. That baby on the ice is one of the best things i've seen in a long time!

  2. The poor baby! The dog
    Thing had me
    Roaring laughing ! My dog hates the Hoover!!


I know, right?