Thursday, July 25, 2013

Things that Rustle my Jimmies

How do, Friday Eve? Are you ready to share the rustling?

1. Filthy, FILTHY ATMs...

 photo tumblr_inline_mln6ufv09l1qz4rgp_zps98f5281e.gif

2. Creepy work IT guy asking if he can remotely access my home PC to try fix it...

 photo tumblr_lguhpnRbSQ1qzbl7f_zps5a5f8347.gif

3. Aggressive, albatross sized seagulls in my garden
when I live 15 miles from the coast!!

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4. Fully grown, professional women 
not knowing how to use the toilet!!

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5. Stray cats fighting (OR loving) loudly

shut the fuck up gifs photo: Shut The Fuck Up ShutTheFuckUp.gif

Ooooh Wheee and I'm back to easy, breeziness FOR NOW. 

You know the drill by now, peoples, I've flicked on the kettle and pulled the chairs into a circle - to the comments to release the rants!


chanelfreak said...

Ah, gotta love Oprah. Ok, where do I start - locking myself out of the house, ringing hubs for assistance only for him to ask 'are you sure you've locked yourself out'. GRRR. Leaving my car in for a service & the mechanics spend the entire time asking himself questions & ignoring me cos I have a vagina (hubs can't drive & doesn't know anything about cars), trying to sleep off my sickness & workmen start digging up the neighbours footpath. I JUST CAN'T. And breeeeeeathe

Caz said...

This week: Cars parking in bicycle lanes, shallow tweets/posts..every hour on the hour..everyday (there's only so many pairs of shoes I can give a shit about), people needlessly lying, my debit card deciding it didn't want to work at the till in Dunnes but worked in the ATM in their store, wtf?!

Ok, I'm done... and breathe ;-)

laura said...

So this week, for me the ultimate was my arsey ignorant neighbours blocking my driveway & taking my fiance's car park space with their stupid cars because they refused to park in the driveway like everyone else. ..Annoying psycho work colleague snapping the head off me for asking a question& constantly butting in on my conversations with other people that have NOTHINg to do with assistant ballsing up order twice for my wedding veil...and breathe!

Unknown said...

HAHA The Oprah one is my favourite!!