Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Free Inglot Master Classes: Orange Eyes!

I was delighted to be invited across to my local Inglot (Blanchardstown) last week to sample their mini master class. These classes are free and concentrate on either eyes or face. The Inglot sales assistant will either talk you through step by step on one eye and ask you to recreate the look or (as I opted for (because I was heading out afterward)) will do both eyes for you. 

Products Used on the Night
Rachael suggested because of my eye colour (blue/green) that we try some oranges, mandarins and browns. Although seriously doooobius, I agreed. 

Brushes Used
The Newly Launched Kohl Pencil: €13.25
Because we were only concentrating on eyes Rachael used a touch of creamy concealer but more highlighter around my eyes than any other product. The result was certainly surprising, so much so that I've ditched the concealer for the past few days and used highlighter only. 

I was a little hesitant to try their new soft, smudgeable black kohl pencil with orange eyeshadow, thinking it might be a little Halloweeny but again I was pleasantly surprised. Wanna see the results? 

What think we? Rachel was spot on the money with her suggestion of oranges to compliment my eye colour, wasn't she? Amazing to see the effect that a coloured shadow can have on your eyes. 

Naturally I had to bring both Shine AMC 10 and 383 home with me and have fairly successfully recreated this look twice since. 

If you're considering an Inlglot purchase or are just heading out for a night on the tiles I'd highly recommend booking yourself in for one of these free masterclasses. All details can be found in your local Inglot store. 

Let me know if you're liking the orĂ¡iste! 


  1. Holy Moly... that is very pretty! not at all halloweeny...

  2. I love the inglot shadows, great colours. They really do suit you :)


I know, right?