Sunday, December 23, 2012
Cherry Pick of the Week: DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2012 (Shine Brighter)
How apt is it for the years final Cherry Pick of the Week we have a stomping mash up of many of the past twelve months Picks from a DJ with one of the best ears in the business.
This tune gets better with each listen, absolute genius. Expect to hear it tearing up club floors over the Christmas and New Year break.
What think we?
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Cherry Pick of the Week: Holding on for Christmas: Twitter Xmas Single
Cherry Pick of the Week is coming at you a little later than usual this week as I was waiting for the video for the Twitter Christmas Single to be made available again.
The eldest Gorgebag and I took part with 138 other crooners in recording this original song in November in the hopes of raising much needed funds for Console Ireland, the National suicide charity. With over 500 deaths by suicide in Ireland every year and this time of year being pretty dark for some it was the perfect choice of charity for support.
If you like the tune and want to support this very worthy work then you can buy it here for 99c or indeed pick up the CD in stores for €5 and give the stocking filler that means a little something extra special.
I'd love to know what you think of the final production?
Monday, December 17, 2012
Monday's Moments: 17/12/12
So the last working Monday of the year, eh? I could pretty much use that as all five Moments rolled into one I think, but I won't. I'm flabbergasted that the end of the world/year is almost upon us, anyone else?
Once more it's been a hugely busy week but I've managed to eek out 5 top Moments, just about...
1. Young Love
Moment one is an overflow from last week that I couldn't possibly let slip by without mentioning. When boarding the plane to Prague with the Sis we happened to spot this young love story develop.
They're both no older than 2 and a half and only spotted each other as we were lining up to board. He was coming to Prague with us and she was Paris bound. They couldn't even talk but spent 10 minutes giggling and touching each others' faces, having to be pried apart to make the flight. ADORABLE!
2. He Likes Smiling, Smiling's His Favourite..
This here is is my youngest nephew Cillian and the smiliest baby I know. He was on holidays last weekend and had to have the prerequisite bath in the sink. This gorgeous pic is now my phone wallpaper and I've yet to turn my phone on without smiling at him.
3. Home at Last
Moment three came when this beautiful lady, Sasha, came home from the doggie salon on Thursday with her new do, then 5 minutes later in came her Da (our Da) having spent the previous fortnight in hospital.
I reckon we were more teary at her crazy reaction than anything else, she was only short of piddling herself! She didn't though, cos she's a lady...
4. Driving Miss Daisy
Anyone that knows me will know that I've been single for quite a while but in recent months that's changed just a tad. There are times when you realise that 'You know what? Maybe I don't need to order 3 bajillions cats after all'
One of those times is definitely at 4am on a perishing Saturday morning when you can dance/walk no more, there isn't a taxi to be had and a quick phone call results in a chauffeur pick up and drop off home for you and your drunken accomplice. Enough to warm the cockles, right?
5. Are You Having a Giraffe?!
The eldest and I went Christmas tree shopping this week. I may be getting cynical but since when did it become extortionate to buy a dead tree? Seriously now...
We arrived at the yard and there was a couple wrestling a scaldy looking spruce that had branches missing everywhere, as he looked expectantly at the yard owner for a price he was told 'That's a lovely one, good deal for you €75'. I couldn't help but splutter 'SEVENTY FIVE EURO?!' and add (like a teenager) 'Are you having a HAHA?!'.
Both men looked at me and I looked back incredulously, telling the eldest we were leaving. It was only when we were back in the car and Aaron burst out laughing that I realised exactly how cheeky that was. Let's just rock up, insult the trees, the owner and hare out of there. We laughed all the way home. Good times.
So tell me, what's going on in your neck of the woods? Were you fleeced for your tree too? Lemme know!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Cherry Pick of the Crimbo Flicks: Five Favourite Christmas Movies
We're a movie loving family here at Casa Cherry as we all know but never more so than at Christmas time. There's nowt quite like cosying up for the evening, hot chocolate (with Bailey's for Momma) in hand to enjoy a festive flick.
I thought I'd pick out 5 of my favourites, if you haven't seen one of them before I'd urge you to give it a looksee this season and by all means, do please let me know your favourite Crimbo movie in the comments, I'm always on the lookout for more!
1. Scrooged
I genuinely can't believe Scrooged is 24 years old. Fun fact: when I was 10 we went to the premiere, I wore my Mickey Mouse reversable jumper and we met Ray D'Arcy WITH hair. It could be that or the fact that Bill Murray is the knees of a bee but this movie is one of my all time favourites.
2. Love Actually
Like The Notebook before it, Love Actually is one of those movies that I unashamedly laugh, cry, bawl and snot at every single year. I'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite character of this British ensemble cast but Bill Nighy and Alan Rickman are right up there. Another Richard Curtis gem, it's not Christmas until this has been played. At least once.
3. The Grinch
Jim Carrey's role in The Grinch has to be one of his best. The self deprecating, cuttingly sarcastic Grinch makes me laugh out loud every time, despite the 12 bajillion times I've seen this movie start to finish.
4. Elf
Quite possibly my favourite festive film ever made, Elf is one of the funniest movies you'll have the pleasure to see this season. Laugh out loud funny right the way through, I find myself quoting from this in every day life and giving a nod of approval to people who get it. Will Ferrell IS Elf. Absolute class.
5. Home Alone
Coming from the almost prehistoric 1990(!!) is the now iconic Home Alone. The movie that catapulted Culkin into stardom and, in my opinion, never gets old. The slapstick comedy in this flick has made the lads laugh from before they could even talk and still works now. Now that's movie making at it's finest.
So tell me, what movie screams Christmas to you? Which flick is the first to be played when the tree goes up? I'd love to know...
So tell me, what movie screams Christmas to you? Which flick is the first to be played when the tree goes up? I'd love to know...
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
KP is KO'd with La Roche-Posay Iso-Urea
It's not often I respond with lightening speed to a press release that lands here at Casa Cherry, it's even less often that the product in question arrives on my doorstep within 12 hours but them's the breaks when you're dealing with La Roche-Posay I guess. Thankfully.
The product in question is the new Iso-Urea Smoothing and Moisturising Body Milk (that's not really a milk at all) but once I'd read the blurb:
'La Roche-Posay Iso-Urea body milk is able to permeate the epidermis on a long lasting basis. Enriched with shea butter, this formula brings essential lipids to the skin to efficiently restore the cutaneous barrier and soothe tightness.'
...and considered the fact that La Roche-Posay have never let me down before I knew I had to try it.
Available in a 200ml tube: €15.95 or 400ml Pump: €24.95 |
Promising to renovate dry skin deep down and produce results from first application were pretty lofty claims, even for LRP so when Paula (the lovely PR) explained that the milk was a little thicker than most and should probably be used at night, following a bath or shower, I pretty much watched the clock until sack time.
The soft Iso-Urea cream is lightly but pleasantly scented and despite its thick formulation rubs in easily to a soft sheen on the skin. I've been using it on my upper arms and legs for the past three weeks now to counteract the dreaded chuck feed effect that can afflict so many of us in the winter months (That's KP to those lucky enough not to suffer with it)
More an unctuous cream than a milk to be fair |
Since I've been using Iso-Urea I've basically knocked the itch on the head. My skin is soft and comfortable, clothes aren't irritating it and when the office gets too warm I'm happy to shed my cardigan because my skin appears smoother, more evenly toned and all round less angry. (Tops of my legs look great too but I won't be dropping trou in my place of work any time soon, you'll have to just trust me on that one).
€24.95 may seem a little spendy but having considered the small amount of product needed for each application and the great results I've been having already, I'll certainly be repurchasing.
Get in mah La Roche Posay arsenal, Iso-Urea, you're part of the family now.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Free SmashBox Try it Kits: You Know You Wanna
Following a lovely evening with the Smashbox team last week they gave us a little heads up that I reckon you're gonna wanna know about. For the month of December if you rock on up to Smashbox (in Boots Liffey Valley, Blanchardstown or Arnotts) with your bestie for a make up session, the über generous brand will be giving you each one of these fabulous Try It Kits, worth €20 for Free!
Inside you'll find five deluxe sized samples of the brands best sellers:
• Photo Finish Foundation Primer 7.lml
• Photo Finish Lid Primer 0.5ml
• Limitless Eye Liner in Onyx 0.8g
• Hyperlash Mascara in Blackout 4ml
• Lip Enhancing Gloss in Illume 4.2ml
The perfect way to try out the goodies before committing to purchase, non? I've had my little kit for about 4 months now and I'm still using the products. Their size is ideal for throwing into your mála or carry on bag for weekend flits.
But wait, there's more, the morning after our Smashbox session I beat a trail to Boots, Blanchardstown to pick up the Auto Expose shadow trio, when you see Karen of the LovelyGirlyBits peepers in this post you'll realise why. While there the gorgeous assistant let me know that not only was there triple Boots points on two purchases but that there was also a Try It Kit up for grabs!
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We Love Smashbox. We LOVE Free. Ipso Facto.... |
Whether you wanted this kit for yourself or as an ideal stocking stuffer (another one) I'm suggesting you high tail it, pal in tow, to your nearest Smashbox counter this month and be sure to join in the fun on the Twitter machine using the hashtag #smashboxbff or check out their Facebook page for up to date info and competitions here.
I'll be giving you a little peak at some other Smashbox goodies in the coming weeks, I can't get enough of them right now.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Monday's Moments: 10/12/12
Evening All, Monday’s Moments coming at you following a week’s hiatus but they’re here. Things have been pretty much up in the air here at Casa Cherry with Daddio not being well and subsequent surgery but there’s always time for positivity, right?
I want to genuinely thank each of you that have messaged, mailed and texted with support and good vibes, it means more than you know and, to me, is the Moment that keeps on giving so Ta muchly you beautiful people.
To the Moments!
1. Miracle of Mahoosive Proportion
While at a swanky, pinkys out Clarins event last week I received a text from the eldest Gorgebag. It was a picture of him threatenging to tuck into a tub of Ben & Jerrys that had just been delivered. There was a Slow Mo Noooooo as it dawned on me what he was at. It was the new Winter Berry Brownie that I’ve been itching to get my mitts on for weeks.
Now the picture wasn’t the moment, the moment came when I eventually got home and realised that said Gorgebag had only had the tiniest taste, saying he was waiting for me to share it. (Unheard of for him, he’s an ice-cream fiend). We crossed spovels and tucked in together, absolutely delish.
2. Czeching In & Czeching Out
With everything going on the Sis and I took a couple of days out last week for our annual Christmas Market trip. Each year we head off somewhere different, this time round it was Prague. It’s a phenomenal city with an astounding history and I’d urge every one of you to see it at least once.
I think the happiest moment of the entire trip though was 10 minutes in when we checked in and sat in the bar with a glass of bubbles. It was so good to just exhale for a minute with the prospect of a couple of days of sisterly chats and giggles ahead of us. Bliss.
3. Can You Hear Me on My Presidential Mobile?
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All that was left of Daddio's Presidential Care Package When I Got There! |
On Thursday evening my Sis had the delight to be invited to Áras an Uachtaráin with the kiddies for the switching on of the Christmas lights. (I know, they have a great life!). While there, our First Lady, Sabine was chatting about Ireland's Diaspora and how not everyone can be with their families at this time of year. Quick as a flash, Corrina pulls out her mobile and says, ‘ I've just been speaking to my brother in the UK, it would mean so much if you would say hello’.
Not only did Broseph and SIL chat and exchange Christmas wishes with Mrs H but she then went on to put together some nibbles for my Dad in hospital as Corrina was heading that way after the event. Both were beautiful gestures from a beautiful lady and in no small part thanks to my loony Sis.
4. I’ve Been Converted
For the past several weeks I've been fawning over my new phone, the HTC One X, believing there was nothing quite like it, having upgraded from a brick. Unfortunately on Friday disaster struck and the phone decided to belly up and die (a software issue apparently). Despite umpteen attempts to salvage it, it went the way of the DoDo and having read several similar complaints online I decided not to replace it.
Instead, I’ve gone to the dark side. I picked up an iPhone on Saturday. Even though I spent the first day or so pawing at the screen Homer Simpson style, I’ve now gotten used to it and dare I say it… iHooked.
5. Daddio Cherrio on the Mendio
My final moment has to be one that’s contender for Moment of my life so far. Daddio Cherrio went for surgery on Thursday after several weeks of worry, wrinkle inducing sleepless nights and countless hours of secretly fretting.
The call to say that he was out and doing well will stay with me for the rest of my days. He’s not 100% yet but he will be and that to us is more important than anything else in the world right now. It’s as if the world has been lifted from our shoulders. Money can’t buy that feeling because if it could I’d buy you all a naggin full. The relief is ridonkulous.
Do please let me know what’s been perking you up this week. Also, if I met any of you at the fabulous #ChristmasBloggerMeetup on Saturday and I don’t already follow you just give me a shout. I’ll sort it out post haste.
Happy Monday, Everyone!
Twitter Xmas Single: Get Yours Now!
On the 11th of November, the eldest Gorgebag & I headed into the Westin in Dublin to take part in the second ever Twitter Xmas Single. Only yesterday did we get to hear the final result as the single, Holding on for Christmas was launched.
This year the single is hoping to raise much needed funds for Console Ireland, an Irish Registered Suicide Prevention Charity supporting people in Suicidal Crisis and those Bereaved through Suicide.
Christmas can be a very dark time for some so this upbeat, original track is hoping to raise money and help support those in need of Console's help.
As of last night, we are already at number 17 in the iTunes chart, which is a huge accomplishment but if you want to support this very worthy cause you can download the track from iTunes for 99c here or you can pick up the CD as a perfect stocking filler for just €5.
I'd love to hear what you think and even more so if you've downloaded your own copy.
Sunday, December 09, 2012
Cherry Pick of the Week: Pink- Try
Absolutely loving this from Pink, slower than her usual numbers but it's on a loop in my noggin this week.
Her video looks like a Mia Michaels tribute, gotta love a bit of interpretive dance, right? Wonder could I pay my television license THAT way?
Let me know what's been on repeat in your brainhole for the past seven days, ja?
Friday, December 07, 2012
The Man with the Iron Fists: Passes Up For Grabs!!
Presented by Tarantino and written and directed by RZA of Wu Tang fame comes The Man with the Iron Fists. It's an incredibly kitsch nod to 1970s Kung Fu, a modern day Monkey, if you will. You wanna fight? *Mouths 3 bajillion words* Fight me!'
The very kind people at Universal Ireland have given me five, yep FIVE sets of passes so you can see what the high kicking, bone crunching fuss is about as the movie hits Irish screens today.
In order to win, all I wanna know is 'Which Charlie's Angel plays the part of the feisty Madam?' For a HUGE hint, watch the trailer above.
Comment with your answer below and I'll pick 5 lucky recipients on Monday the 10th!
Good Luck, everyone.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Cherry Pick of the Week: ft Britney - Scream & Shout
This week's pick is hot off the production line. teams up with Britney for a dance track that's pretty certain to be played to death within weeks.
Doesn't Britters look fab? It doesn't sound like her though, which is probably a good thing given her slurred shenanigans on the American X-Factor of late.
What think we of this collaboration?
Friday, November 30, 2012
Rise of the Guardians: Movie Review
What's it About?
When Pitch Black (Law) threatens the hopes, dreams and beliefs of the children of the world, it's up to the Guardians to stand together and defeat him. An animated Avengers, if you will. A reluctant Jack Frost (Pine) has been enlisted to help but can he defeat his own demons in time to save the day?
Any Good?
Based on the William Joyce books that explored the root of our make believe heroes, Rise of the Guardians is set 200 years later in modern day and these heroes are nothing like you've seen before. Santa is a sword wielding, tatted up, no nonsense mountain of a man. Sandy (who'll you'll probably want to put in your pocket) weaves his thoughts and dreams in stunning golden glittering sand. The Easter Bunny is a rough and tumble flaming galah with a bad taste in his mouth when it comes to Jack and the Tooth Fairy is a stunning soft spoken, iridescent feathered fairy with hundreds of even cuter flying helpers, the Baby Teeth.
Any Good?
Based on the William Joyce books that explored the root of our make believe heroes, Rise of the Guardians is set 200 years later in modern day and these heroes are nothing like you've seen before. Santa is a sword wielding, tatted up, no nonsense mountain of a man. Sandy (who'll you'll probably want to put in your pocket) weaves his thoughts and dreams in stunning golden glittering sand. The Easter Bunny is a rough and tumble flaming galah with a bad taste in his mouth when it comes to Jack and the Tooth Fairy is a stunning soft spoken, iridescent feathered fairy with hundreds of even cuter flying helpers, the Baby Teeth.
The tale opens with Frost being a Jack the Lad bringing joy to children with snow days, ice slides and merriment but he yearns for recognition. When he's summoned to the North Pole by the other Guardians it takes more than a little convincing to get him on board in the battle against Pitch. The 3D here is bright and beautiful, scenes are crisp and clear and only serve to draw you further into the tale as there is never a lull in pace as the story is woven together.
Comic relief comes in no small part from the non speaking support cast, the elves and the yetis. They steal every scene they're a part of and keep the humour light hearted enough for little ones even though there's a consistent sense of menace from the deliciously dark Pitch Black. (Guillermo del Toro's doing, no doubt). There are pretty in your face parallels between Pitch and Frost but when it comes down to it, Rise of the Guardians is a tale of companionship and the importance of belief, it's peppered with laughter, some truly touching scenes and festive spirit that makes it an easy watch.
When the opening credits for Rise of the Guardians rolled at Movie Fest this year, the predominantly mid thirty and male audience groaned, when our 30 minutes of footage suddenly ended they groaned even louder, having been drawn in to the animated family adventure despite themselves.
Even though the story isn't too challenging (read thrilling) for older audience members, the slick animation, likeable characters and feel good factor are enough to enthral entire cinemas at a time. Because of the cross holiday feel it could be enjoyed at any time of the year, which is pretty clever on the part of Dreamworks, you can expect to see it played again and again once it hits DVD but, for now, Rise of the Guardians is an ideal festive treat for movie goers of all ages.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Count Down to Christmas: Top Advent Calendars
There really is no denying it at we enter the penultimate day of November, Christmas is haring toward us at breakneck speed. For my entire childhood I would love these couple of days because it meant that we'd begin to open doors on the advent calendar my Aunt had sent home from New York. (we were fierce fancy back then). There's nothing like peeling back the first door to get the Christmas spirit going.
Nowadays there's a billion and one options when it comes to Advent Calendars and savvy brands have cottoned on that there's still a wee child in each of us that loves the thrill of opening a little door a day for a surprise. I've put together some of my faves this year:
Liz Earle's 24 Days of Christmas![]() |
24 Days of Christmas with Liz Earle: €120.50 |
L'Oreal Luxe
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L'Oreal Luxe: €100 |
Ciaté Mini Mani Month
Ciaté Mini Mani Month: €50 |
Words cannot express how much I want to get my mitts on this beauty. Ridiculous scheduling for the past 3 weeks has meant that I haven't had a minute to get into Arnott's Dublin, who have Irish exclusivity, to bag my own. Priced at €50 and boasting 24 mini polishes that's only slightly over €2 a bottle and the chance to rock a different talon look a day this December. Genius I tells ya!
The Ol' Reliable Cadbury
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Cadbury's Wishes Advent Calendar: €3.89 |
Of course if the purse strings and present buying aren't allowing you to afford the bountiful beauty versions, there's always the ol' reliable, chocolate. This year Cadbury's have teamed up with the Make a Wish Ireland, who grant the wishes of children in Ireland living with life-threatening medical conditions, to release the Wishes Advent Calendar. 10% of all sales go directly to the charity. That's guilt free chocolate in anyone's book!
Do you buy Advent calendars? Tempted by the beauty versions this year?
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sequin Nails for Silly Season!
Have we seen the latest product from Ciaté? Just in time for the Christmas and Festive party season we have The Sequinned Manicure. A Magpie's dream.
The Sequin Manicure pack will set you back £15 though we don't have an Irish price yet. That's why I thought it might be an idea for the less patient amongst us i.e me to figure out how to get this look right now.
Let's face it, I don't need to be MacGyver now do I? I'll just leave these pictures below, yeah?
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Who doesn't love Dealz?! |
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Or our trusty NYC |
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday's Moments: 26/11
Coming to you a little later than usual with busy shenanigans going on behind the scenes here at Casa Cherry, I couldn't let the day go without sharing some Moments. The weeks are genuinely flying in with so much going on but I'm very far from complaining. Loving every moment of it but these 5 stand out this week...
1. Text Your Dream
During a meeting last week an MMS popped up on my phone from the youngest gorgebag. This was the picture attached with 12 stunning hogs, his message just read 'This is my dream x'. I had to wait a minute or two until my serious part of the meeting was done before I could send him this link in response with the message 'Maybe for Christmas? xx'
He didn't talk to me for over an hour when I got home.
2. Blogger Bitches FTW
It's not often I come across a site that I instantly fall in love with, bookmark immediately, devour entire archive and check daily in the hopes that they've updated content.
It happened this week though with the Blogger Bitches Tumblr. Run by Ann it's a hilarious, tongue in cheek tumblr of gifs relating to PR and Affiliate Programme peeves. You don't necessarily have to be a blogger to see the hilarity but please, go check these ladies out!
3. What are the Chances?
As you can see from the humongous mileage there, my work car is getting on a bit. As a result every time I switch on the engine the clock switches to some random time with zero connection to when it stopped. It's a pain in the flesh to reset each time so I gave up.
Sitting into the car on Thursday evening though, I got a surprise. The random time chosen was exactly the right time by my watch! Ok, it was 5.42am instead of pm but what are the chances? Seriously, what are the chances?...
4. Standing Room Only!
Coming up on December 11th, we have the largest event of the Road Safety (My actual job) year , the Axa/Fingal Road Safety Road Show for TY students. It's a stage performance using Gardaí, Fire and Ambulance Services, Surgeons and some victims or family members of victims of road traffic accidents. It's a hard hitting 70 minutes but has proven to be eye opening for the teens concerned.
Normally I have a little trouble confirming numbers right up to the day of performance (as anyone who's ever organised anything ever will understand). So this year I changed tack, worded the invitation differently to include the words 'Huge demand', 'First Come, First Served Basis' and 'Wait List Details'. As it stands I've 1000 places filled (capacity) and 98 more looking for room. GET. IN.
5. Powering Parking Kindness?
Moment five happened just this afternoon. I was running late for a Lancôme event in the swanky Shelbourne Hotel so grappling for coins for the machine before I even noticed this.
Some kind soul had left a ticket with 90 minutes still left to run! Now I've done this before when leaving but it's HIGHLY unusual for me to ever see it done or even benefit. It's quite possible that someone was taking part in the Powering Kindness movement for Focus Ireland, either way I'm very grateful. Made my afternoon. (That and Lancôme).
So tell me, what's been tickling your pickle this week, eh? Eh?