Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Monday's Moments - 06/08

Yep, it's Tuesday but yesterday was a Bank Holiday here on the Emerald Isle, I spent the day  pretty much shut down and recharging. I figured no one would miss a Monday's Moments but there's been several emails & FB messages querying their absence so Thank you and I sorry - and here they are...

1. Revahhnge!

I'm always a big fan of trash TV, of fluffy series that draw you in and don't let go, so I was thrilled to stumble upon Revenge having seen it mentioned on Twitter several times (Though I can't help but call it Revahhhnge á lá Megamind). Set in the Hamptons, in a dog eat dog scenario, Revahhnge is pure escapism.

I've now watched 19 episodes, pretty much back to back this weekend and done everything else in 5 minute bursts. Made dinner, tidied the house, taken photos and prepped posts - it's like the most productive I've every been. In short spaces of time. I'm going to need another series to take over from this one in about a day, so throw any recs at me please, my To Do list depends on it!

2. Run Free! OK, Maybe Not...

Look at that silver smig!
This hog and I have reached a point where we need to be a little healthier, to shed the extra poundage that's crept back on and up our fitness levels. Usually we're out for a stroll in the evening with a longer walk every other night.

I decided that to up our game though I'd add an extra loop (3k ish) onto our route. If it's a week night we walk back through the local shopping centre and I let humpy here run through the deserted car park as a treat (yep, he's still muzzled, in case ye're worried). Adding the extra loop has been his undoing though. Diesel had to walk, unleashed, with his head resting against my leg all the way across the car park. We're getting old.

3. But They're Only Riomnomnomnomnom

In the quest to be slightly healthier as mentioned above I decided not to buy as much rubbish in the weekly shop. More often than not I'm not quick enough to eat a single bikkie with the swarm of locusts that is two teenage boys but they could do with some better options too. 

Friday night saw me with one of the worst chocolate cravings I've had in a while, with an empty goody press & when it was already too late for Mr Whippy - disaster!  That's when I remembered these bad boys. Sweet Mother of Divine they're GORGEOUS! One was enough to crush my craving and I even had the willpower to put them back. Get yourself a packet of these and bask in their guiltless glory, do it! 

4. Poffee Galore!

Because we tore through the sample packs of posh coffee (Poffee) provided with the Nespresso machine a fortnight ago  I had to trek into BTs this week to restock. I'm still unsure if it's genius or just a pain in the bum having these pods exclusively available but in I went.

This here is what came home with me, Poffee galore. We're still using triall and error to decide on our favourites (I think it's Fortissio Lungo for me) (Decaffeinato Lungo for the youngest, thankfully) but, needless to say, we're rich, in Poffee, if not in sheckles. For now. 

5. Bank Holiday Bin Boy
It was a Bank Holiday yesterday, as I've said. I cursed that fact on Sunday for the sole reason that our bin day is a Monday and ours could really have used emptying. At 7 am yesterday morning somewhere in my unconscious fog I heard the faint rumble of the bin truck, leaping up I realised they were already outside (WORKING? On a Bank Holiday?!) 

I'd already flashed the postman earlier in the week rushing to the door half asleep and I wasn't prepared to repeat that mortification so I lay back down, cursing.  When I was making breakfast the youngest Gorgebag trotted down the garden in his pjs and brought back in our emptied bins! What the?! 'It's Monday' says he 'Was I not supposed to put them out?'. Extra sausie coming up for you, you magnificent, thoughtful beast! I was and am Thrilled. 

So tell me, what's your happy haps this week? I'd love to know...


Unknown said...

Did you get the nespresso off the staff on Friends with Kids? ;)

Lovely Girlie Bits said...

I also laaaahhhve Revenge as you well know, what are we going to do when we've watched the whole season? Can we go out and scheme against people?!

Great Momentos pour la Monday :)

Sue Jordan said...

Haha, I told Chris O Dowd I did ;)

Sue Jordan said...

We're going to need a new show, stat!! Also, I'm scheming against Diesel already, those extra long walks? PAYBACK for sneaking into my bed when I'm not here, Sucker!

S said...

I knew there was something missing from tinternet yesterday! Ah Poor Diesel, I am adjusting to being a doggy Mammy once again, went for a run last week and only of us came home panting. I feel his pain. xx

boredmum said...

i thought u were after being on the razz all weekend and were too hungover to do the monday moments, Laughing at you hopping out of the bed after remembering the bins, hate that, our bins go on a monday aswell but they collect them on the saturday before a bank holiday, and they text friday afternoon to remind you, happy days