Happy Monday, people. It’s been a hectic week here at Casa Cherry with several events over the past week and a surprise visit from the Broseph this weekend. It’s very hard to believe it’s almost September but I’m guessing Mammies of manic youngsters can’t have September come quick enough to get back into a routine. How about some Moments, eh?
1. Disco Naps FTW
As I said above I’ve been flat out this week, chasing my tail and working my tuckus off. It had seemed like a never ending week until Wednesday when I arrived home from work and the lads were pottering about. ‘You know what?’ I said ‘I’m going to put my head down for an hour’. The Playstation was turned down and headphones were plugged into the PC, no hassle, no bother.
I set the alarm on my phone and slept for exactly an hour, waking up just before it, completely refreshed. The lads were where I’d left them happily playing whatever shizz they were playing. I think it’s probably the first time I’ve realised how old they were. When they were toddlers I thought I’d never sleep again, I certainly could never have imagined I’d be a disco napper. I’m converted!
2. Bag ALL the Tickets
I’ve mentioned how ridiculously excited I am for Movie Fest, right? That’s why I was getting antsy waiting for tickets to be released and hoping against hope that they wouldn’t be announced and sold out before I had a chance to book ours.
Imagine my delight when I got a mail from Movies.ie to say that tickets had been released when I happened to be in town. We hot footed it to Cineworld, picked ours up and have spent the past 4 days speculating about what movie delights are in store for us.
3.So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen , Goodbye
This week sees the schools fling open their doors again post summer (can you believe it?). Normally I’m all a tizzy as part of my job is managing the School Warden Service (Lollypop Ladies), that’s 160 rays of Hi-Vis sunshine. Well not no more. There had been plans to split and restructure the management tier over a year ago but it came to naught.
On Thursday, however, I officially handed over the reigns. I’m going to miss them, certainly, but boy does it feel good to have that mountain of pressure off my shoulders. I’m hoping my phone will be a lot quieter, my out of office hours work will disappear and my down time will be officially mine again. Sure feels good.
4. What Trickery is This
Look ah dah face! |
Because the Broseph was home this weekend, we all got to catch up, which was fantastic. My Sis lives in Athy so we don’t get to see each other as often as we’d like. Well, we elders get to gallivant, sure, but I don’t see the little ‘uns enough. Her youngest is the most gorgeous pudding you’ll ever see (yep, I’m biased), good natured, giggly and doesn’t make strange… I may have figured out why.
When I was holding him on Sunday afternoon, he was continuously looking at my mouth. It was only when my Sis came back we discovered why. She and I sound exactly alike; people mistake us on the phone all the time. Poor little mite was looking at me with his Maw’s voice coming out of my mouth. The look on his face was priceless looking into my face, wide eyed and back at my mouth, giggling when I speak. I could eat him, it could happen.
5. Too Soon, TOO SOON
I've still Gorrit! |
I’m not ready to turn into a grannybag, I’m just not. 34 is not the age at which I should be giving up all hope of a sneaky Sunday night on the tiles but that’s exactly how I felt last night. Chatting with the gorgeous Karen of Lovelygirlybits, instead of planning a mad night out, I was bemoaning the fact that I couldn’t go to bed early because the youngest had gone discoing and would need to be picked up!
He’s 15, out socialising having the time of his young life and I’m sat at home longing for my pyjamas and an early night? The sudden glimpse into our future was a bit of a shock. I’m not ready to hang up my pumps yet; I’ve warned him that should there be another Sunday session, I might just have to join him. His stone cold, expressionless face tells me he’s not too keen.
So tell me lovelies, what have you been up to this past week? Any memories or laughs that are getting you through Monday?