Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday's Moments - 25/06

Morning all, that was probably one of the most relaxed weekends I've had in quite a while. Apart from a jaunt over to the shopping centre to check out the sales I didn't leave the house and enjoyed every minute. Did you get up to much? Fancy some Monday's Moments to cheer you up a little? Yeah, you do...

1. Riddle Me This

Do not adjust your monitor, what you're looking at is a perfectly preserved hula hoop (crisp) on the heel of an unsuspecting stiletto.  Tell me, what are the odds of standing on a hula hoop with such precision timing and force that it gets wedged, in its perfect state on your heel? Go one further, how many times do you multiply those odds when there wasn't even hula hoops served at the shaggin' party?!?

It's a real head scratcher, I do wonder if the oblivious hoop carrier made it home and discovered the savoury stow away.... Guess I'll never know. 

2. Nice to Tweet You! 

I was delighted to be invited along to sample some of Fallon & Byrne's seriously good Summer Cocktail collection on Wednesday with Karen ( No this moment isn't a bragfest, apart from the delicious food and drinks on the night, there was also the delight to meet some of my favourite food & lifestyle bloggers from this here interweb.

I got to talk polish with Aoife Babaduck, share lols with Éadaoin City of Blackbirds, talk all things Mexican with Lily My Mexican and congratulate Adam Cook it on finishing his Leaving that day. Seriously. If you haven't seen any or all of these sites before I urge you to do so, I can now categorically say, they're run by some pretty cool peeps. Oh & if you get the chance, get in to Fallon & Byrne to sample their cocktails. Tuh Die For.

3. Sharing the Love 

Continuing on a theme of sharing the love, the gorgeous Laura from FitznBitz this week took time out of her busy schedule to put together this fantastic who's who of Irish Beauty Bloggers in 2012. 

I'm thrilled to be featured with some of the newer talented ladies as well as some of the more established sites. If you're looking for a read, I'd highly recommend you take a looksee. Thanks a thousand Laura, your time and effort is genuinely appreciated. 

4. SMH

It's not often the three of us here in Casa Cherry go to the flicks together, usually the lads will take turns coming with me to screenings or, if it's something they're dying to see, they'll go together. Friday night was an exception though, Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter was out in iSense and we all wanted a bite. (badoom tish)

The three of us spent the entire hour and 45 minutes smiling, laughing and shaking our heads, apart from the twice I lept from the chair when I wasn't paying attention. This movie has been slated in the press but we honestly loved it in a 'so ridiculously bad, it's good' kinda way. Neither of the lads can actually recount the film even now without laughing. Poifect Family Friday material. 

5. That's All Folks

Some of you might have seen that it was National Bike Week last week, anyone that knows me personally will have heard me giving out about it being National Bike Week last week. That's because my IRL job means that the County's events for such initiatives are my responsibility.

We had 7 events in total, each bigger than the last but our final shindig had to take the biscuit. If an outdoor event can survive monsoon weather, gale force winds, MIA entertainers and flying gazebos and still be deemed a success by 14o kids then the gods were truly smiling on us on Friday. I've never been as exhausted, relieved and desperate for a holiday as I was by 2pm when we were packing up. No wonder I was bajarmer clad all weekend!

That's it for another week but do stick around over the next few days as this little blog turns 1 tomorrow! Can you believe it? I certainly can't - there'll be prizes all week to celebrate and to say Thanks to you, you lovely peeps for taking the time to check in and see what I'm at.

If you have any happy haps from this week though, do please let me know, ja?


Unknown said...

I was meant to have a wonderful cinema weekend - you know how I love the films- sat it was rock of ages love the music but the original versions obv - I was mad to go to see abe the vampire slayer but himself chicken ed out and said it was too warm for the cinema yesterday tut

Unknown said...

LOL'ing at the Hula Hoop..I would have told the lady about it! So funny, well spotted.

Emma (fluff and fripperies) said...

Ha, that poor woman with the Hula Hoop! And is it wrong to want a cocktail before 9am?!

Chloe said...

I think the picture of the Hula-Hoop just made my day. Congrats on National Bike Week!

Lovely Girlie Bits said...

You made it through a tough aul week in one piece and totally deserved the cocktails last week, even if they did give you a ring of fire ;P

Anonymous said...

Ah, Nicely done Sue! My Mammy and Daddy have been visiting me from South Africa and the weather (thankfully) hasn't been too bad. Its made my year...

boredmum said...

again as u know i love monday moments, always brings a giggle from the gob, lol. PMSL at the hula hoop, National bike week has been celebrated a lot in my house, there were so many events here that my son entered, he loves cycling, Also have been doing some more research from last weeks MM, about the Coder Dojo, and i'm in the process of trying to get one set up here, yaaaayy

Also Happy 1st Birthday to your blog, keep up the good work, :)