Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fizzy Orange Nails FTW!

We've all heard tell of the hotly anticipated Caviar nails from Ciaté at this stage, right? Über 'spensive with waiting lists the length of your arm and the whole shebang? Well these aren't them.

They are exactly the same as them, only funkier, but they're definitely not them.

Wanna know how to have Fizzy Orange (Ordinge) non Caviar nails of your very own? Course you do..

  1.  You'll need an orange polish (This one was €2.49 in Hairspray), Orange microbeads (two pots for €2.50 in Hairspray), common or garden nail glue and fimo orange slices (available from Essence next month).
  2. I warm up the fimo slices first on my modem (or heater or kettle) they can be a little rigid but once warm they bend to the shape of your nail, apply nail glue and place one slice firmly onto the nail bed, holding in place until dry (approx 2 mins)
  3. Apply a liberal coat, or two, of your polish to your nail, careful to avoid the orange slice. 
  4. Dip your nail immediately into the microbeads and press firmly. 
  5. Press the beads onto the nail bed, gently but firmly to ensure full coverage. Excess can be cleared simply with a cocktail stick. 
  6. Apply clear top coat to the tips and wait for them to dry completely while your prop pretends he's not interested.  

It really is that simple, once dry (about 10 minutes later) there should be no fall out. Go about your daily business, flashing your nails like Wolverine's claws at unsuspecting passers by as is your want.

Realistically this mani will last you the guts of two days or one good night out. That is if you can resist the urge to pick at them (I couldn't).

If the whole hand is too much for you then just an accent nail with corresponding orange polish on the others is just as effective.

Will you be giving them a try? And more importantly, are you a Club or a Fanta girl?!

Pssst.. I did buy several packs of stunning microbeads online too, 
you see how alike these are to Caviar nails? 
You ain't seen nothin' yet!


Nurse Fancy Pants said...

This is so cool! I think it would have to be an accent nail for me though, I know I'd get nothing done and spend all my time picking at them if I had 10 to mess around with! Loving the look of these Essence fruit slices, so summery! Great post! :-)

Also, Fanta FTW!!

Unknown said...

They're fabliss! :) If only I could get the essence stuff here in London town!

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie! You have a very beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring posts! I'd like to invite you to be my friend and follow each other:)

Unknown said...

These are so adorable! Always in awe of your skillz lady :)

Eimear said...

Wow, definitely going to give this a go, except I won't be able to resist picking at them!

Unknown said...

wow how flipping cool :)

Jewels said...

Oooooooo! Purties!!

Where do you get the Hairspray stuff??

Sue Jordan said...

Thanks CeeCee, got to admit they're so tempting to pick at :)

Sue Jordan said...

Do they not sell it at all Orla?

Sue Jordan said...

Thanks Laura, that's one cute puppy you have ;)

Sue Jordan said...

Thank you kindly *doffs cap* ;)

Sue Jordan said...

That's half the fun! Heh ;)

Sue Jordan said...

Thanks Oscar :D

Sue Jordan said...

They have a shop in Dundrum SC, Jewels, that's where I picked these lovelies up!

Lovely Girlie Bits said...

I LOVVVVVVVVVVVE THEMMMMMMMMMMMMM and would do this myself just so I could pop each little ball off one by one, very satisfying :) you gots the skills flossy :)

Hazy Fairyland said...

I did try caviar nails late last year but i found them really annoying for doing the washing up, baking and general house keeping.
I LOVE this colour though

Karen said...

They look fab but are they hard to remove?

Sue Jordan said...

That's SACTLY what I did! ;)

Sue Jordan said...

I used them as an excuse to do nothing! No, that didn't last very long LoL :)

Sue Jordan said...

Not at all Karen, if you can resist picking them off they clean right off with nail polish remover because they're only held on with the base coat! :)

LauraLou said...

Aw wow these are amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!! Have to pick some up!!

Jewels said...

Crapsies, I live in Cork... To the interweb it is then!

Sinead said...

They look good enough to eat! Im craving some fanta now,yum x

Sue Jordan said...

Thanks LauraLou! They're great fun to do :)

Sue Jordan said...

Ta, Sinéad ;)