Sunday, August 07, 2011

Flashmob to End All Flashmobs

Can I just pre empt this video by saying flashmobs, at the best of times and inexplicably, make me cry. No, wait, that's an understatement. Flashmobs make me laugh, cry and clap simultaneously like some demented bi polar seal.

Then I saw this. Bawled. My. Eyes. Out. Smiled. My. Head. Off.

Enjoy!  And remember, I claim no responsibility for snottage. K?


Unknown said...

O my god I dont know what I would do! Shes laughing but i would be like O MY GOD WHATS GOING ON!?

Unknown said...

omg there putting on her wedding dress! Tissue please

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant! Kudos to the Guy who took the chance. He's got balls :)

cornflakegirl said...

OMG, that is absolutely brilliant.

Niamh S. said...

Oh thank God. At last! Someone else who cries at flashmobs :D I can't help it, even the crappy ones set me off!! Love this and I've only watched half of it so far!

Joanne Constantine said...

WOW! I just watched that now.. how amazing!!!!